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Committees of
Weymouth United Masonic Lodge AF & AM
Bro. Brian E. Smith
Wor. Keith S. Spain
Bro. John K. Freeman
Proxy To Grand Lodge
R.W. Philip Arthur Drouin
Wor. Brian J. Hughes
Wor. Todd Ridder
Lodge Ambassador
R.W. John A. MacLeod
Wor. George H. Raymond
Education Officers
Wor. John F. Baker
Bro. Gary R. Wyrosdic
Wor. Todd Ridder
SSMA Representatives
(ex officio)
Wor. George H. Raymond
Wor. Keith S, Spain
Wor. Evan A MacLeod
DeMolay Representatives
R.W. Steven P. Collins
Bro. John J. Kelleher
R.W. Arthur H. Sharp
R.W. John A. MacLeod
R.W. Steven P. Collins
District Masonic Health Care Rep:
Wor. Clayton S. Robinson
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