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Medal / Award Recipients of

Weymouth United Masonic Lodge AF & AM

Henry Price Medal
Rt. Wor. (Hon.) Robert Lloyd Steadman
Rt. Wor. Clayton Arthur Bemis
Rt. Wor. Arthur Harry Sharp
Rt. Wor. Phillip Arthur Drouin




Joseph Warren Medal
Wor. William Cook Kay
Rt. Wor. Clayton Arthur Bemis
Rt. Wor. John Bliss MacKay
Bro. Gordon Keith Teague
Wor. Paul Alfonse Salvas
Wor. Robert James Mortell
Rt. Wor. Wayne Leslie Robbins

Wor. John James Moore

Rt. Wor. Stephen P. Collins




Meritorious Service Award
Rt. Wor. Arthur Harry Sharp
Rt. Wor. Wayne Leslie Robbins
Wor. Scott Edward Chapman
Rt. Wor. Philip Arthur Drouin
Rt. Wor. Hamilton Lee Potter, Sr.
Wor. Robert Lincoln Munroe
Wor. Robert James Mortell




33 Degree Masons
(Scottish Rite)

Rt. Wor. Robert Lloyd Steadman
Rt. Wor. Arthur Harry Sharp
Rt. Wor. Clayton Arthur Bemis
Rt. Wor. Wayne Leslie Robbins


Veteran's Medal Holder


Packer, Edward Arthur
Bascom Jr., H. Edward
Hall, John Roulstone
Roberts Jr., Darrell Tasman
Nadell, Francis Elwin
Hansen, Harry David
Wolczak, Stanislaus Michael
Edmonds, William Carroll
Sliger, Emmett Junior
Anderson Jr., Reuben Alfred
Tuggle, William Damon
Dresser, Robert Willis
Waters, Hilara Horton
Olander, Nils Robert
Teague, Gordon Keith
Sawyer, Richard Victor
Phillips, Henry Wilton
Kay, William Cook
Collins, John Thomas Leslie
Cumming, George Gordon
Lang, Matthew Raymond
Nadell, Leonard Holbrook
Alemian, Zarven
Harvie Jr., Raymond Edward
Konrad, Kurt
Greene Jr., Robert Darwin
Latak, John Ananias
Bryan, Lloyd Evans
MacAuley, Donald
Guinette, Herbert Henry
Humphrey Jr., Walter Stanley
Stone Jr., Clayton Perley
Nelson Jr., Roy Victor
Egerton, Arthur Edwin
Macri Jr., Gregory Joseph

Ketchen, Ernest Butler
Laneau, Richard Erwin
Henderson, Kenneth Valentine
Given, Sumner Hall
Kittredge, Owen Joseph
Haslett, Walter Gordon
Smith Jr., Franklin Amos
Fitts, Robert William
Parker, John Richard
Whitehouse, Elliot Mason
O'Neill, George Robert
Lewis, Herbert Webster
Thompson, Richard Henry
Fornwald, Raymond Earl
Wilson, Charles Pullman
Scott, Arthur
Rich, Joseph Franklin
McCulloch Jr., John Braidwood
MacKay, John Bliss  
Kreitman, Ernest
Shaw, Russell Worster
Bean, Charles Abbott
Tarbox Jr., Ronald Loring
Crooks, Leonard George
King, Roger Frederick
Waldman, Morris Melvin
Lawton, Francis William
Sinclair, Samuel Withers
Davison, William Thomas
Rhoades, Vaughn Leighton
Robert Lloyd Steadman
Kenneth Littlefield
Charles Anderson
Stanley R. Spain

Arthur H. Sharp


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